2014-2025 Steven E. Margison, Downers Grove, IL All Rights Reserved
About Me
Wood. A beautiful natural resource in an almost infinite variety of colors and textures. For over 50 years I have been a hobbyist woodworker and have always enjoyed making something from nothing. By trade I'm an engineer in the high tech world (now retired) and a (still active) theatrical technical director. I had a wood pen that I liked very much, and I realized I could open a small internet-based "store" and sell pens! I could make many of them, using different styles and woods, and let my creative side reign. And so I did. I will never get rich when measured in money, but the satisfaction of turning out another new pen in another new wood is very rewarding. I have forced myself to limit my pens to about 40 55+ styles, but that limit keeps getting moved up! The REAL pleasure is when a new owner oohs and aahs over the look and feel of a fine writing instrument that I created. Their smile is my paycheck. My clients are discerning individuals that appreciate art and function. If you like fine things, enjoy holding a nice pen, or just having a beautiful desk ornament I am here to help you. A fine pen is jewelry for your words....... Steve Margison, November 2017